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Creative Workshops

This summer we opened a new workshop space in Highgate and are excited to welcome you! We will be devising fun, interactive, creative and practical workshops here and we hope to see you soon.

Here is a lineup of what we have so far… we are building on this list and there will be more to come! So please check back or sign up for updates by emailing us.

To book your place on any of the workshops below, email hello at locorumand dot com.

Workshop 1 – Planting a Garden For All Seasons

This workshop consists of a series of three sessions. This is a practical workshops where you will learn a basic framework for planting your own border or garden. When we design a planting plan for a client, this is the process that we go through and we’ve distilled this into a workshop.

Dates and times

Aug 19, 21, 23 (Mon, Wed, Fri) @ 10.00-12.30

Sept 10, 17, 24 (Tues) 10.00-12.30

Sept 12, 19, 26 (Thurs) 18.00-20.30

Oct 1, 8, 15 (Tues) 10.00-12.30

Oct 2, 9, 16 (Wed) 18.00-20.30

Here is a brief synopsis of what we will be covering. It is based on a project – creating a planting plan – which I will guide you through step-by-step. There is a small amount of homework to be done at the end of week 1 and 2. It shouldn’t take more than an hour for each. The workshops involve a lot of participation and sharing of ideas.

Week 1
We will be getting warmed up with a bit of collage making. Then we’ll be covering a few different areas.
-noting the conditions of a garden/space/border
-measuring a space
-plotting a scale plan
-creating structure with plants
-selecting plants for your garden by their features
-worksheet 1 – Plants for Structure
Week 2
The focus of this is on seasonal plants.
-plotting the structural plants
-latin names
-introducing plants for seasonal interest
-annuals, perennials, biennuals and their characteristics
-plant interest chart
-colour and scent
-worksheet 2 – Plants for Seasonal Interest
Week 3
In this last class, we will be completing your planting plan.
-plant selection
-role of bulbs
-discussing everyone’s completed planting plans

The workshops are taught in Highgate and we like to keep them small with a maximum of 6 participants. All abilities and levels of knowledge are welcome.

Fee £150

Workshop 2 – Planting With Bulbs

Dates tbc

Bulbs are one of the easiest ways to introduce seasonal interest into your borders. They fill a special role in the plant calendar. We guide you in selecting and planting them in this workshop.

Fee £50

Workshop 3 – Planting For Structure

Dates tbc

How does your garden look in the winter? What do we mean by structure? If we  How can we achieve this with plants? Come and find out in this workshop all about structure.

Fee £50