Imagine a meadow brimming with wildflowers, bees humming between blossoms. If a new development is planned there, BNG ensures that the habitat is not only replaced but improved elsewhere—perhaps through rewilding a nearby plot, planting new woodlands, or restoring wetlands.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is reshaping the way we think about development. It’s a principle that ensures any new project—whether a housing estate, a retail park, or a road expansion—leaves the natural environment in a better state than before. But
By definition, an urban landscape is one which is complex and multidimensional, incorporating both natural and artificial elements. The landscape itself encompasses everything the eye can see from various stand points. This will include not only those features within close
Atmosphere is a kind of mood felt within an environment, a characteristic feeling that encapsulates the space, like a sphere of meaning or identity.
Landscapes have feeling. Gardens have atmosphere. Our experience of space is essential to our creation and evaluation of it. In these regards, the philosophy of phenomenology provides a salient perspective.
Landscapes have feeling. Gardens have atmosphere. Our experience of space is essential to our creation and evaluation of it. In these regards, the philosophy of phenomenology provides a salient perspective.
The shift to ‘nature’ in landscaping entailed an approach whereby the finished product gave little, if any, hint that someone had been hired in the first place. Brown’s landscapes seemed entirely natural, entirely expected, as if they had been that
Plant communities for you and me. In light of our need to be immersed in plant-life and for it to be ubiquitous, how can we achieve this on a sustainable level? How does landscape and garden design need to respond?
Henry David Thoreau was an American poet and philosopher as well as one of the pre-eminent naturalists of the 19th century who prefigured contemporary environmentalism and ecology.
What was the Garden of Epicurus? The flow of time severs us from so many things, letting fall all but the present like cut blades of grass dropping onto a lawn. The Garden of Epicurus is one such blade. It